So I thought I'd finally write a little blog post about a Twitter bot I made a while ago. A few people emailed me asking for the source code, so I had previously posted about it on webDevRefinery, but never on my own blog. Basically all the bot does is search for whenever people mention "over 9000" or "over nine thousand", and replies with "WHAT, NINE THOUSAND?!". Pretty simple, but I wanted to learn about using the Twitter API. It seems to have inspired the creation of other Twitter bots, like AnnoyingNavi and The Spacesphere, which I think is pretty cool. 😃.
The source code is available as a Gist on Github. It is written in PHP and requires the PECL OAuth extension to be installed. I think it's a pretty good example of a simple "search and reply" Twitter bot, that could easily be extended to do more useful things.
Until next time,
— Daniel