Well, last Friday I finally ordered my Dell laptop... I'm so happy 😃
I ended up ordering an Inspiron 6400, with these specifications:
- Intel Core Duo 1.73 GHz
- 80 GB Hard Drive (free upgrade from 60 GB)
- 1 GB Memory (free upgrade from 512 MB)
- 15.4 inch XGA display with TrueLife - 1280x800
- 256 MB ATI Mobility Radeon X1400 Hypermemory
- 9-cell battery
- Dell Optical USB Mouse
- Free Belkin 'Wireless G' router
- Dell Large Backpack
And for comparison, here's my current desktop PC:
- Intel Pentium III 866 MHz
- 120 GB Hard Drive
- 384 MB Memory
- 17 inch BenQ LCD screen (FP71G+)
- Intel i810 Graphics Card (with 0 MB of onboard memory! 😛)
- 52x32x52 LITEON CD-RW
- A4Tech Wireless Keyboard and Mouse
I think that this was an excellent offer (Dell's price was great). I'll finally be able to emulate Nintendo 64 games properly (unlike my current computer, with all the stupid graphics flaws 😛)
OMG, I finally got my cheque from my ICT Fellowship! Now I can finally buy a Laptop! Even though I used to think that Dell computers were bad, their laptops seem quite good (well, the Laptops that don't use Sony batteries, anyways 😛).
I'm considering purchasing an Inspiron 6400 with the graphics card upgraded to an ATI Radeon X1400 😃. However, I still need to wait for my cheque to clear (which gives me some time to consider other laptops)
Well, I've just finished my ICT Fellowship. I must say, it was a great thing for me to do; it gave me something to do over the holidays 😃. I made some macros in Excel (which was not all that difficult, because I used to work with macros when I was younger)
Anyways, I did learn a few things... Some of the things I learnt were:
- How to use Microsoft Access properly
- That you can get images from Google Images and resize them to 32x32 to make good looking icons 😄
- The help in Microsoft Access's VBA doesn't function very well (see previous post)
- How to use Microsoft Excel macros to do stuff like turn an ugly-looking worksheet to a nice one... The macro recorder is also quite handy
It also gave me a good feel of what working in a workplace is like. Although I did have to spend 1 hour commuting every day, it was definately worth it 😃
So, yeah... I'll be waiting for my cheque to arrive in the mail 😄:D
Well, it's the holidays again, so I'm back doing my ICT Fellowship. I'm currently doing work in Microsoft Access, and also creating icons in a program called 'Easy Icon Maker'.
Speaking of Access, I encountered a weird error... I was drafting some Visual Basic code, and needed to look up something in the help file (as I was using Access, which I don't have much experience in). I got this error:

Interestingly enough, I clicked the 'Help' button, and got this:

A bug, maybe? After all, the help article opened in the 'Windows Help Application', yet the article was saying that the application wasn't installed! 😛
Well, I though I'd better write a post about how the ICT Fellowship went (which was about 3 weeks ago)
It was quite good actually, I learned a bit about Blender (a 3D application) as well as some things about software development (I already knew quite a lot though, as you would probably know). A few of the other things I learned were:
- During times when lots of visitors come to Melbourne (such as the 2006 Commonwealth Games), trams are really crowded... On one of the days, I happened to miss the tram, and the next one after it was so crowded it wasn't funny 😄
- It's impossible to get lost in Melbourne's CBD. Even though I don't go into the city much, I could basically guess where to walk to find a tram stop. Most of the people in the city are friendly and know where everything is (even though I've been in Melbourne my whole life, I don't go into the CBD often, and don't really know my way around)
- Something else (I forgot)...
I'll be going back there on the next school holidays, so I'll see what happens then
Welcome to my blog! It's not much at the moment, but might grow in the future.
Well, I think I should say why I created this blog. The main reason why this blog was created was because I won an ICT Fellowship (you can read more about this on the VITTA Website:
A key initiative proposed by the Taskforce is the Student ICT Fellowships. Fellowships of AU$ 1000 are offered annually to outstanding students making use ICT in Government schools. The Fellowships have been developed to provide students with the opportunity to work in a relevant ICT-related organisation and implement meaningful, real-life ICT projects, with the likes of graphic designers, system managers, web-masters and programmers acting as their mentors.
So basically, it's like work experience, except I get AU$1000 at the end... Quite nice
So, anyway, I'll probably be writing some stuff in here relating to this. I'm considering using Wordpress instead of this MKPortal-based blog system, but I can't really be bothered installing at the moment. Besides, this system is simple
Thanks for visiting
NOTE: I've since transferred to WordPress 😃