I was rewriting my site recently (to use the Kohana framework instead of WordPress), and I decided to write my own blog system at the same time. Finally, I've finished a basic version of it, and it's now live! This site is running on it, so hopefully there's no major issues! I do still love WordPress, but as a developer, it's often fun to create your own stuff (you know exactly what the code is doing, and it does exactly what you want). The code for this whole website is now available on Github, maybe some of you would find it interesting (especially if you're doing something similar yourself). Still a bit rough around the edges, but it's working fine. I've still got a bit I'd like to do with the blog (like improving the administration section). 😃

My old blog used to have a "microblog" section where I'd occassionally post photos and stuff. I've moved all that onto a Tumblr account, although now I'm thinking I should have used Posterous instead. Tumblr's uptime seems quite bad. I really don't understand why it's so popular... It seems like it's mainly the community rather than the site itself.

Eventually I might even post a proper blog article to here. Or to my other blog with my girlfriend 😃

Until then,

— Daniel

Tags awesome, Tumblr, Blog

Short URL for sharing: https://d.sb/B5A. This entry was posted on 15th May 2011 and is filed under PHP, Website. You can leave a comment if you'd like to, or subscribe to the RSS feed to keep up-to-date with all my latest blog posts!
